Attorney for Criminal Defense
Criminal law is among the most complex areas of law. It takes a special type of person to become a criminal defense attorney. These types of attorneys must work with clients to prove their innocence of crimes that range from minor to major offenses.
Criminal law is the body of law commonly referred to as penal law. This body of law prosecutes a person or entity by the federal or state government for crimes that are classified as criminal. Criminal justice incorporates the theories of punishment, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation. By imposing sentences for criminal acts, the law seeks to serve justice, peace, and social order.
Criminal law deals with a wide array of crimes. Criminal defense attorneys defend clients who have been charged with crimes that range from minor to major offenses. Such offenses include murder, manslaughter, arson, assault, DUI (Driving Under the Influence), fraud, theft crimes, white collar crimes, identity theft, child pornography, sex crimes and a host of other crimes.
Criminal defense lawyers, as do all attorneys, must put aside their personal beliefs and opinions of a person in order to properly and fully defend them of criminal charges. Often, the people being defended did not commit the offense and are innocent. Other times they are not. But all people in the State of Utah (and the entire United States) are entitled to representation when there is the possibility of jail time. As Utah criminal defendants attorneys, we do not pass personal judgment on a client charged with any crime – even if it is murder, rape or even child molestation.
In Utah, the Criminal Code has several provisions that the criminal defense lawyers at Ascent Law are very familiar with. We can help you resolve your criminal charges in the best way possible for you.
To the best of our ability, we defend our clients who may be guilty of the crime in which they are charged. Again, we put aside personal beliefs and opinions and defend a client that has been charged with committing any types of crimes because everyone deserves the best defense they can get. We are here to help people when they are down.
Therefore, becoming a criminal defense attorney not only takes work but true character to defending each and every person’s rights granted under the law. Criminal defense attorneys attend law school just as any other person who seeks to obtain a law degree. They must also pass the Utah state bar exam in order to practice law.
A person interested in becoming a criminal law attorney will find it extremely beneficial working as an intern in this area of law while attending law school. Internships within the judicial law system or for a criminal defense law firm will allow potential criminal defense lawyers to gain valuable experience that cannot be obtained elsewhere.
Another way to gain valuable criminal law experience is to work as a clerk for a law firm, prosecutor’s office, or judge after passing the bar exam. Places such as these allow you to gain a wealth of knowledge in the area of criminal law. Most attorneys that want to practice in criminal law often begin their careers by working as prosecuting attorneys. We have former prosecutors and former judicial clerks working as criminal defense lawyers in our office.
Criminal law is a field of law that provides many challenges and benefits. Most legal cases, aside from criminal cases, are settled outside of court and never actually reach a trial. Criminal defense attorneys try more cases in a courtroom and before a judge and jury than any other type of attorney. As such, criminal defense attorneys are able to hone their skills that make them extremely adept at their job and in many ways more well-rounded attorneys. Criminal defense attorneys are a special breed and not just any person can practice in this area of law.
Conclusion on Attorney for Criminal Defense
If you have been charged with a criminal offense in the State of Utah, please give our office a call for your free consultation 801-876-5875. We want to help you in your criminal case.
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States
Telephone: (801) 876-5875
Criminal Defense Law Resources
What Can Someone Expect After Getting Out of Jail
How Does a Prior Arrest or Conviction Impact a Criminal Case?
Michael R. Anderson, Utah Criminal Law Attorney

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